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Procedural Walk System

This project was made on UE5, using the control rig system. I made a crab first, and i'm currently working on other characters ( a four legged Dragon and a Humanoid character ) . The system will work both in gameplay and in cinematic, as the locomotion system is made based on the position of the root bone in the space. 
What can be procedurally changed ? 

- The height of the lift of foot, and pelvis

- Timing of the swing

- Distance of the next location foot

- Offset timing of each foot

- Cycle lenght timing

The biggest project i've done so far : an autorigger.
It is procedural.
The rigger has just to place guides on a file, replace every names by the names he uses in his naming convention , and the autorigger will create IK/FK, Bending controllers, Gimbal controllers if wanted, it also has an option for stretching. All controllers shapes can be changed with the library I created. Colors can be changed directly with the color controller, using the RGB system.
If your characters has multiple arms or legs, you can add any module parts needed, just copy the lines of code I made, and replace arm or leg by arm_number## or leg_number## .
For this project, I used Python 3, on visual Studio code. This project is made for Maya.


Pose Saver

All the animators has to do, is to select which controllers they want to save the pose, fill with name they want, and it's done ! 

Here is my first project as Technical Animator : A POSE Copier.

It only works, if he two controllers have the same name. It will get over the namespace.
All the animators has to do, is to select which controllers they want to save the pose, select the rig they want to the pose copy to, and click !

Pose Copier

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